The Mark of a Skilled Craftsman Lies in the Details, As Does Parenting and Everything in Between | Detox No. 4

On the craftsmanship side of things, they are just amazing. The level of detail and care they put to their design is very sophisticated, its not just pretty pictures is also very good design.

The Mark of a Skilled Craftsman Lies in the Details, As Does Parenting and Everything in Between | Detox No. 4
Made by Peña-Urey Studio

In this week's edition, I go over memories created during my mom and dad's driving training sessions and how they are so similar to parenting. I'll cover how simple photos can shape your goals and, lastly, in a world that increasingly trusts algorithm-driven, humanless decision-making, we see the SEC has approved spot Bitcoin ETFs. Will we use decentralized and open software for good? After all, technology is a tool, and it's up to us how we use it.

What is "Detox?"

Its a weekly curation email series with content designed for inspiration, without the endless scrolling of social media. Your free digital escape for a healthier online experience! I sift through the social media clutter and online content, so you don't have to—reflections on three gems that focus on family, craftsmanship, entrepreneurship, or culture.

Now, let's check what I have found for today's edition.

Family: Teaching Your Child How To Drive Looks a Whole Lot Like Parenting

I remember it like it was yesterday—learning to drive on my mom's childhood property, with my dad teaching me how to drive the old '92 Nissan Patrol with manual gear, and a clutch that would make my left leg stronger than anything else in my body. Every day was a left-leg day with that car. Not all of the learning process was fun; more often than not, I needed correction; after all, lives were at stake if my driving skills were not up to par. I might try to do things my way, but I guarantee you, I would not get permission to take the car if I was not willing to abide by my dad's and mom's rules while learning.

Are you raising children who will be a force for good? Often, when I see my daughter asserting her will, I am overcome with two feelings. One, I love that she has an opinion. Second, she cannot get away with all her desires. I am, after all, her father, and we (my wife and I) need to guide and teach her. Therefore, corrections must be made on things that need correction.

A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society."

~Billy Graham

Thanks to @_Eduphile for this gem.


Original Post Here

Craftsmanship: The Power of a Life-Changing Photo and Details That Set You Appart

I have followed Peña-Urey Studio for many years now, at least 10 years. Living a simple life on the Pacific coast of Panama, they practice their woodcraft and take amazing cinematic shots of their projects. They have always had a keen eye for beauty, and seeing them work with their kids in the shop has always been something that made me set the life goal to replicate what I experienced with my own mom and dad. Currently, I am working on setting up a simple and budget-friendly workbench to finish some projects with my daughter, and every time I'm on it, memories of the 'Totuma Studio', as it was known back in the day, come right back to my mind.

Do not ask your children
to strive for extraordinary lives.
Such striving may seem admirable,
but it is the way of foolishness.
Help them instead to find the wonder
and the marvel of an ordinary life.
Show them the joy of tasting
tomatoes, apples and pears.
Show them how to cry
when pets and people die.
Show them the infinite pleasure
in the touch of a hand.
And make the ordinary come alive for them.
The extraordinary will take care of itself.
-William Martin (Original post here.)

On the craftsmanship side of things, they are just amazing. The level of detail and care they put to their design is very sophisticated, its not just pretty pictures is also very good design.

A good mark for good craftsmanship and design is how do you make a drawer, and they have taken the highway; half blind dovetail drawers.

Source Here

Check their work right here:

Peña Urey Woodworking Studio
We design and build fine furniture pieces in the heart of Panama. Built with traditional craftsman techniques and modern finishes out of eco-friendly wood that we collect and mill ourselves.

Culture: Bitcoin ETF Approval Day

Open protocols, open software, and decentralization are responsible for much of our technological advancement in culture. Take Android, Email, or Linux, for example; all are huge projects that have been hugely profitable for many stakeholders, yet without a central authority to control it all. The project is open to all, and anyone can know what is happening. This is similar to Bitcoin, but oh wait, when it comes to money, people become a bit more apprehensive.

Well, the SEC has approved spot Bitcoin ETFs, which opens up a whole new frontier in the cryptocurrency space. This brings some level of regulation, which is needed, and also makes a huge statement about how crypto was perceived many years ago compared to now... an ever-changing world.

Crypto is growing up now and becoming more institutional which is good because it will get it in more people's hands, but it's important to remember what Hal recognized 31 years ago when he said "The computer can be used as a tool to liberate and protect people rather to control them."@NTmoney
There are centralizing forces that allow small groups to control the masses. This is becoming more clear every day. There are also decentralizing forces that give more power to people. We must lean into decentralizing forces that empower and fight centralizing forces that control with everything we have. @NTmoney

What are your thoughts on the impact that crypto may or may not have on our culture, especially in terms of public trust? (Seriously, hit reply and give me your opinion; I would love to hear it.)

Hope you enjoy my article, want to learn more about this website and me? Go here. Most of my publications are members-only (free or paid), and the content is for family, entrepreneurship, and handcraft enthusiasts, whether as a hobby or profession. Sign up here. Already a member? Simply sign in to comment on this post or read the member-only posts! sign in

If you find the content valuable and believe it can spare you from endless social media scrolling, please share it with your friends! —Let's ditch the hours of mindless scrolling and aim for a few impactful pieces each week to fuel our imagination and gather inspiration with fresh knowledge.

Goodbye and until the next one!
