Living Beyond Names, TSR #1
Names may carry meaning, but it's the actions behind them that truly define us. Read some of my latest post on TSR.
Names are just names—they have meaning, but without actions, they’re just that. For example, my name, Javier, means “the one who makes new houses.” Coincidentally, I’d love to build cool houses, but that’s not necessarily my destiny, nor was it my parents’ intention when they chose my name.
What you do with your life defines you far beyond what any name could. That’s why many experts recommend not spending too much time choosing a name when starting a venture. I chose "The Shaggy Report" for this publication because I wanted to share scrappy, not always eloquent articles. I wish they were more consistent, but I’m going through a lot of change and growth. The important thing is I haven’t stopped writing.
I hope you’re not living bound by the meaning of a name you didn’t choose. I hope you, along with God, choose the destiny and direction of your life—not those around you. As the saying goes, "The one who lives for the praise of others will fall by their criticism."
At the same time, I hope you live up to the name you choose to stand by, pushing through adversity to remain faithful to your choices. Pivot only when it no longer makes sense or proves futile. But if it’s worth pursuing and standing by, keep pressing on.
Here are some of last week’s articles that I didn’t share via email. Moving forward, I hope to live up to the name of my publication and simply give you a report on what I’ve written, letting you decide what to read. Always focusing on crafting beauty in woodworking, life, entrepreneurship, faith, and family.
Here’s the list of my recent posts:

Until next week!