Advice To A Novice Entrepreneur Part 1: Trust Not Yourself Alone

We often err on either or both of these aspects: setting ourselves as the ceiling that limits growth and/or choosing to invest our time in an idea with no future hope of scaling. In this blog, we will deal with the first one.

Advice To A Novice Entrepreneur Part 1: Trust Not Yourself Alone
Advice to a novice entrepreneur
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I have yet to have any success in my businesses as far as turning a profit goes, but I have learned a whole lot about what mistakes not to repeat. Learning by doing, as long as you do not repeat your errors as a madman, is a great way to learn. There is nothing better than adversity to teach you about your limits, and you will likely be surprised at how much you can endure if you have a north star. The challenging but rewarding road always starts right at the beginning, your first steps. So let's begin there right at the beginning.

I can see clearly that, most often than not, I have been the murderer of my own small business. This is the norm for most of us novice entrepreneurs. We often err on either or both of these aspects: setting ourselves as the ceiling that limits growth and/or choosing to invest our time in an idea with no future hope of scaling. In this blog, we will deal with the first one.

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